[外文游泳文献] Conquering Fears of Competition(征服对于竞赛的恐惧)

小臭贝 发表于 2011-2-11 15:10:17
9811 0
This week’s Speedo Tip of the Week comes from Dr. Aimee Kimball, director of mental training at the University of Pittsburgh’s Medical Center’s Center for Sports Medicine. Kimball offers some advice on conquering fears in competition.
本周的Speedo贴士来自艾梅.金博博士(Aimee Kimball)。他是匹兹堡大学医学中心的运动医药中心的智力训练部的主管。他提供了一些关于征服对于竞赛的恐惧的一些建议。

Kimball’s Tip:
Fear itself is relatively normal. Most athletes have some concern about performing poorly. Issues arise when athletes focus more on the negative emotions of not doing well rather than on the excitement they feel if they have a good race. Basically, there are two types of athletes, those with a positive approach who focus on achieving success (they “swim to win”) and those with a negative focus who work to avoid failure (they “swim not to lose.”) Start by asking your athletes why they think they wouldn’t do well in the first place. If they trust their training, their coach, work hard in practice and have a healthy lifestyle, then there is no legitimate reason why they can’t compete to their potential. Then, turn the focus to why they think they should succeed. Have them make a list of the fundamental things they need to do to swim well. It’s as simple as having a great start, a smooth stroke, a strong kick, etc. By having your athletes simplify the sport and recognize that all they need to do to have a good race is swim, it helps to build their confidence and assuage their fears.
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